Bounty Hunter Is Here!
Game Updates RSCDynasty
Published Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Hello dynatists!

The time has come to finally announce part one of the big update, we have split the update in two parts. This update is the release of Bounty Hunter, Lava Dragons, Landscape Reworks and other changes.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter is a player-killing minigame located in the P2P Wilderness (1v1). Upon entering the Mage Arena safe zone (Kolodion’s protective area), players can participate in Bounty Hunter matchmaking by having the required minimum deposit of GP in the Coffer. Upon joining Bounty Hunter via the Bounty Hunter Portal, you will be matched with another player within 5 combat levels of your own (adjustable to 10 or 15 by speaking with the Emblem Trader NPC) as your target. In addition to the usual items dropped from player kills, successfully defeating your target will reward you with Bounty Hunter points, which can be spent at the Emblem Trader's Bounty Hunter Store.

The Coffer

To participate in Bounty Hunter, players are required to deposit a minimum amount of coins into the Bounty Hunter Coffer, based on their combat level:

Combat LevelMinimum Deposit
32-60 cmb30,000 coins
61-88 cmb50,000 coins
89-110 cmb100,000 coins
111-123 cmb150,000 coins
Upon death, coins are deducted from the coffer. Non-skulled players lose coins equal to their minimum deposit, while skulled players only lose 10,000 coins. When entering the Bounty Hunter Portal, you will spawn randomly in the P2P Wilderness and be assigned a target from among other players in the minigame. While in Bounty Hunter, teleportation is blocked, though the Teleport to Target spell may be used if the player has not been in combat within the last 12 seconds.

Bounty Hunter points

Each target kill earns you two Bounty Hunter points, which can be traded for rewards at the Bounty Hunter Store. Bonus points are also awarded for milestone kills:

Total Kill CountBonus Points
Per 10th Kill
Per 50th Kill
Per 100th Kill
Per 500th Kill

Esoteric Emblems 

Players can also earn additional points by leveling up and trading in Esoteric Emblems. A Tier 1 emblem drops on your first target kill or can be purchased from the Bounty Hunter Store for two points. Each target kill ranks up your emblem. If you die with an emblem, it will lose one tier. If it is at Tier 1 upon death, it will be removed.

Emblem Tier                                                                                                           

Tier 12 BH Point Value
Tier 24 BH Point Value
Tier 37 BH Point Value
Tier 411 BH Point Value
Tier 516 BH Point Value
Tier 622 BH Point Value
Tier 729 BH Point Value
Tier 837 BH Point Value
Tier 946 BH Point Value
Tier 1056 BH Point Value

Target Skipping & Penalties

Players may skip up to two skulled targets within a 30-minute window without incurring a penalty. Skipping a third skulled target blocks you from matchmaking for 30 minutes. (Skipping unskulled targets incurs no penalty.) After the 30 minutes, points from your first target kill will be halved, and an Esoteric Emblem will not drop if you do not already have one. If an Esoteric Emblem is in your inventory, it will not be upgraded. Leaving and waiting out the 2-minute safe timer counts as a warning, as does exiting Bounty Hunter or logging out.

Bounty Crates 

A Bounty Crate is awarded upon successfully killing a target in Bounty Hunter. The value of the crate depends on the player’s Earning Potential (EP) at the time of the kill and resets to 0% upon receiving a crate. Regardless of tier, crates drop Blighted Super Restore, Coins, Blighted Manta Ray, or Bandages, with higher-tier crates offering greater amounts. There is also a 1/10 chance to receive an Ancient Artefact, which can be traded to the Emblem Trader inside the Wilderness Castle for significant coin rewards.

Earning Potential (EP) System

To earn EP in Bounty Hunter, players must have a minimum risked wealth of 50,000 GP.

  • If you meet the risk requirement, your EP will increase by 2% for every minute spent in the BH with a target assigned.
  • Dying to your target will increase your EP by 10%, but this can only occur once every 15 minutes, with a maximum of 40% EP gained in this way.
  • Successfully killing a target will cash in your accumulated EP, rewarding you with a Bounty Crate. The higher your EP, the more valuable the crate.
  • Receiving a Bounty Crate resets your EP to 0%.

EP does not reset when you die or leave the BH, and it will not increase if you do not meet the minimum risk requirement. If you are on a matchmaking penalty, your EP gain will be disabled, and EP can only be earned while you are inside Bounty Hunter.

Ancient Artefacts 

Ancient Artefacts can be exchanged for large sums of coins by speaking to the Emblem Trader inside the Wilderness Castle.

ArtefactCoins given

Bounty Hunter Store 

The Bounty Hunter Store, run by the Emblem Trader in Mage Arena, allows players to purchase items with points earned from playing Bounty Hunter. On release day, the store will offer:

  • Target Teleport Scroll, Bandages
  • Blighted Manta Ray
  • Blighted Super Restore
  • Esoteric Emblem (Tier 1)
  • PvP Cape
  • Anti-weaken Potions.

In the near future, we plan to release exclusive item sets containing Armor and Weapons, which can only be purchased with Bounty Hunter points.

Lava Dragons 

Lava Dragons have been introduced to the Wilderness, specifically on Lava Dragon Isle. Previously Red Dragons, these creatures have transformed after prolonged exposure to the surrounding lava, and they now have a combat level of 227.

Lava Dragons drop Lava Dragon Bones, which provide 85 Prayer experience when buried. However, if you bury the bones while still on Lava Dragon Isle, you will receive 340 Prayer experience per bone, making Lava Dragon Bones the most rewarding prayer item currently available in the game.

Landscape Changes (Wilderness)

We have reworked several zones in the Wilderness, which include map alterations and adjustments to NPC and object positions.

  • Chaos Altar (Level 11): The Chaos Altar now features a bridge pathway to the south, below the altar house. Chaos druids have been repositioned around the Chaos Altar house to better suit the new layout.
  • Bandos (P2P Wilderness): Bandos has been relocated from its former F2P Wilderness location above the Graveyard to the P2P Wilderness, now situated below the Axes hut.
  • Graveyard: The Graveyard area has been significantly reduced in size, with half a sector removed, creating a more compact and streamlined version. The new layout features a smaller bank, a reduced fishing pond, and a new platform. While we aimed to maintain the familiar layout that players are accustomed to, we believe this minimized version of the Graveyard is much improved, offering a cleaner and less cluttered experience.
  • Hobgoblins & Baby Green Dragons: The Hobgoblins in East Wilderness have been replaced with Baby Green Dragons, and their drop table has been updated accordingly to reflect this change.
  • Spider Nest: The Spider Nest is now home to Deadly Red Spiders, Zombies, and the Wildspire boss, making it a focal point for players looking to challenge the boss. Additionally, the nest has received a new escape path located in the North East, providing more options for navigation and safety.

Other Changes

We are continuously striving to enhance our server's performance and optimization. Recently, we have focused extensively on optimizing core server methods to boost game speed and reduce the impact of critical and heavy content on performance. Additionally, significant adjustments have been made to PvP attacking mechanics and timers to ensure a smoother and more responsive PvP experience. Feedback is appreciated.

Part 2 - Thursday 04/09:

As mentioned at the beginning of the announcement, this is part one of our major update. Part two will be going live tomorrow and will include the following content:

  • Bone Master Boss: The Bone Master Boss will be located in EAST P2P, next to Gorgon.
  • Bone Master Armour Set: Armour set dropped by Bone Master which will award Prayer and Ranged benefits.
  • Bounty Hunter XP Purchases:  Players will now be able to purchase combat experience using BH points at the Bounty Hunter store, adding more value to your Bounty Hunter rewards.
  • NPC Drops full adjustment: We are nearing completion of a comprehensive overhaul of drop tables for mid, high, and boss-level NPCs. This significant update will bring more balanced and rewarding loot from NPCs across the game.

-Dragonfire Staff.