Slayer Phase 1 - (S)
Game Updates RSCDynasty
Published Friday, 10 January 2025

Greetings, Adventurers!

We’re happy to announce the Phase 1 release of the Slayer skill! This long-anticipated addition is finally here, marking the start of an exciting new journey for all our players.

Introducing Slayer in Phases

The Slayer skill will be rolled out in six phases, each bringing new and exciting content. We understand the importance of pacing new releases, as many of you have shared that smaller, steady updates are easier to enjoy without feeling overwhelmed. This phased approach also allows us to focus on delivering a high-quality experience for every aspect of Slayer.

Each phase is part of a larger vision, spelling out the word "SLAYER":

Phase 1 - S

The foundation of Slayer.
Regular Tasks
Wilderness Tasks / Wilderness Boss assignments
Regular Boss assignments
5 Slayer Masters
Interfaces: Slayer Unlockable Perks, Slayer Extendable Perks, Store, Tasking, Slayer Helper UI, Streaks.

Phase 2 - L

Release: 17th Jan.

- Slayer Tower
- New Slayer Master
- New Wilderness 1IP
- Some Special Monsters
- Slayer Helmet & Store Equipment

Phase 3 - A

Release: 24th Jan.

- Co-Op System
- Some Special Monsters
- Special drops
- Revenants Dungeon
- Slayer Cave

Phase 4 - Y

Release: 31st Jan.

- Superior Slayer Monsters
- More Equipment
- More special monsters
- Wilderness Slaver Cave

Phase 5 - E

Release: 7th Feb.

- More Equipment
- More special monsters

Phase 6 - R

Release: 14th Feb.

- The complete Slayer experience

- Western Provinces Diary

A New Phase Every Week

Starting today, we’ll release a new phase of Slayer every Friday! Each phase will add layers of depth, challenge, and content to the Slayer experience. We’re excited to see how you tackle each update.

The Slayer System: A Quick Overview

At its core, the Slayer skill allows players to take on tasks assigned by Slayer Masters, who challenge you to defeat specific creatures. Completing these tasks earns you Slayer experience and rewards, unlocking new content as you progress.

Here are the key features of the Slayer system available in Phase 1:

  • Slayer Interface:
    A sleek and intuitive interface where you can manage your Slayer journey. Track your current task, check your progress, and explore unlockable perks. "Click on Rewards option at your Slayer Master".
  • Assignments:
    Receive tasks to slay specific creatures. You can either get assigned by the "Click on Assignment option at your Slayer Master" or through Dialogue.
  • Storing and Unstoring Tasks:
    You can store tasks you’d rather save for later and unstore them when you’re ready. However Slayer Master: Krystalia's tasks cannot be stored as they are Wilderness tasks.
  • Swapping Tasks:
    You can freely swap between your stored and active task in the "Tasks" tab at the Slayer Interface. However if you are assigned a task from Slayer Master: Krystalia you cannot swap that active task.
  • Unlockable Perks:
    Buy unlockables in the Slayer Interface, currently there are a few unlockable perks you can buy on Phase 1 and more will be added in the later Phases.
  • Unlockable Perks:
    Buy unlockables in the Slayer Interface, currently there are a few unlockable perks you can buy on Phase 1 and more will be added in the later Phases.
  • Extendable Tasks:
    Extend tasks from the Extendable tab in the Slayer Interface; This lets some of your specific task have a larger amount assigned to you. 
  • Blocking Tasks:
    You can block tasks from the Tasks tab in the Slayer Interface; There are a total of 7 slots if you meet the critera to unlock them. Each block cost 100 points. You can remove the blocked task at any time but you will not be refunded your points.
  • Cancel Tasks:
    You can cancel tasks from the Tasks tab in the Slayer Interface; Cancelling a task cost you 30 points, for premium subscribers the cost is 24 points. The Slayer Master: Turael can cancel your task for free if its a task that he cannot assign himself, this will reset your task streak or wilderness task streak depending if you are on an active wilderness task. So keep that in mind.

Slayer Masters

The Slayer Masters are here to guide you on your path to becoming a true master of the skill. Each master offers unique tasks and challenges based on your Slayer level and combat. Here’s an introduction to the Slayer Masters you’ll encounter in Phase 1:


Location: Taverdell (in taverly).

Turael is the ideal starting point for new Slayers. Known for his straightforward assignments, he specializes in assigning creatures that are quick and easy to defeat. If you’re new to the Slayer skill, Turael will help you build confidence and learn the ropes. His tasks are perfect for beginners seeking steady progress with minimal risk.

Krystilia (Wilderness tasks only):

Location: Edgeville

Krystilia thrives in danger, exclusively assigning Slayer tasks within the Wilderness. Her tasks are unique in that all creatures must be slain in this high-risk area. Be prepared to face not only the assigned creatures but also the threat of other players. For those who dare to take on her tasks. Krystilia does not take your combat level into consideration and therefore can assign you any task on her list, including Wilderness Bosses.


Location: Edgeville Dungeon

Vannaka is a master suited for adventurers with moderate combat experience. His assignments feature a balanced mix of creatures, offering variety and a step up in difficulty compared to Turael. For mid-level players ready to expand their Slayer skills, Vannaka provides the perfect balance. Need a combat level of at least 40 to be assigned tasks from Vannaka.


Location: Edgeville Dungeon

Chaeldar resides in the mystical city of Zanaris. Her tasks often include more challenging creatures, requiring players to bring their best equipment and tactics. If you’re looking to push your limits, Chaeldar is the Slayer Master for you. Combat level 70 is required for Chaeldar to assign you tasks.


Location: Tree gnome stronghold

Steve offers tasks that cater to high-level Slayers seeking tough challenges. His assignments include some of the most powerful creatures in the game. Steve is not for the faint of heart - he’s a master for those who want to test their mettle. A Combat level of 85 is required for Steve to assign you tasks.

Boss Tasks Explained

Boss tasks are a part of the Slayer experience, designed for adventurers seeking the ultimate challenge and rewards. Depending on the Slayer Master you choose, the selection of boss tasks and how they are assigned varies.

Krystilia: Can only assign bosses that exist within Wilderness
Chaeldar & Steve: Can assign all other Bosses.

Boss Tasking Rolling: When you request an assignment from a Slayer Master you may be assigned either Wilderness Boss category (Krystilia) or Boss category from Chaeldar and Steve. Boss Tasks are double rolled which mean that first you have to land the boss category from the first assignment roll and then a secondary weight roll for which boss you are being assigned.

If you are assigned a Boss, you will then have to choose the amount to kill between 3-35. You will be prompted to enter your desired count. Keep in mind, if you do not enter the amount you want to kill the first time - you'll have to talk to your slayer master in order to set the kill count.

Slayer Reward Points

Reward Points are a key component of the Slayer skill, offering a way to unlock perks, extend tasks, and skip undesired assignments. Points are earned by completing tasks assigned by Slayer Masters (excluding Turael) and are awarded in varying amounts based on the Slayer Master and the number of tasks completed in a streak.

Slayer MasterPoints per taskPoints per 10thPoints per 50thPoints per 100thPoints per 250thPoints per 1,000th


Phase 1 of Slayer marks the beginning of an exciting new journey, but it’s also an important beta test for the skill. With this release, we’re laying the groundwork for what will become one of the most expansive and rewarding experiences in the game. Your feedback during this phase is invaluable, as it will help us refine the system and ensure the upcoming phases deliver the best possible Slayer experience.

We hope you’ll enjoy diving into Slayer and exploring everything Phase 1 has to offer. Each phase will build upon the last, introducing more challenges, features, and content until the skill is fully realized. By the end of this journey, Slayer will become one of the most significant and enjoyable additions to the game.