Slayer Phase 2 - (L) & New Wilderness 1IP
Game Updates RSCDynasty
Published Friday, 17 January 2025

Greetings, Heroes!

We’re excited to bring you Phase 2 of the Slayer skill - this time, it’s all about the letter L! While some features originally planned for this phase have been rescheduled, we’re still introducing plenty of new content to enhance your Slayer journey.

Here’s what’s new in Phase 2:

  • New Wilderness 1IP: A brand new P2P 1IP wilderness. Note: The top sector will be added on Monday.
  • Superior Monster System: Introducing a chance for special, more powerful versions of Slayer creatures to spawn during tasks.
  • Stronghold Slayer Cave: New slayer cave for assignments. You need to be assigned the specific monster in order to attack them in the cave.
  • Some Special Monsters: Adding unique creatures for variety in assignments.
  • Store Equipment Updates: Additional equipment to slayer store.
  • Dragon gloves: Dragon gloves dropped by KBD with 85 Slayer.

Some features, such as the Slayer Tower and Slayer Helmet, will now debut in Phase 3 as we continue to refine and expand their content.

New Wilderness 1IP

The new 1 IP Wilderness zone is an exciting addition to the Slayer experience. This area is divided into 6 sectors, with a 7th sector (the topmost part) set to release on Monday. Located north of Taverdell in Taverly, this P2P-zone offers a unique twist on the Wilderness experience.


Key Features:

  • Training Locations: A variety of spots to train your combat skills.
  • Slayer Tasks: Access to new assignments designed for the area.
  • Future Bosses: Bosses will be introduced in later updates.

What makes the 1 IP Wilderness unique is the one-account rule - players can only use a single account at a time in this area. Unlike the regular Wilderness, where you can use multiple clients/accounts simultaneously, this rule creates a fair environment for adventurers.

Accessing the 1 IP Wilderness:

  • Players must walk from Taverdell and head north to reach the zone.
  • Alternatively, an agility shortcut near the swamp connects the regular Wilderness to the 1 IP Wilderness. This shortcut requires 41 Agility to cross.

With the introduction of this dedicated, expansive zone, the previous 1 IP Wilderness marked with a blue square has been removed.

The 1 IP Wilderness is a dynamic area, and we plan to expand it further with additional dungeons and content over time.

Superior Slayer Monster

Superior Slayer Monster system is done! These are more powerful versions of standard Slayer creatures, offering greater challenges and rewarding players with increased Slayer experience of 10x.

How it works:

  • Superior Slayer Monsters have a 1/200 chance of spawning upon the death of a normal Slayer creature during a Slayer task.
  • To encounter them, you must unlock the "Bigger and Badder" perk from any Slayer Master for 150 Slayer reward points. This perk can be toggled on or off without losing your points.
  • Superior Slayer Monsters will only spawn in locations where their size can fit.

When a Superior Slayer Monster spawns, you’ll see the message:
"A superior foe has appeared..."

These creatures can only be attacked by the player who caused them to spawn and will despawn if left unattended for too long. Killing a Superior Slayer Monster provides a substantial boost in Slayer experience, making them a rewarding encounter for any dedicated Slayer.

Notable Rewards:
Superior Slayer Monsters include rare items in their loot table, such as:

  • Imbued Heart: A powerful item that allows you to temporarily boost your Magic level.
  • Eternal Gem: A permanent A permanent Slayer gem used to craft the Slayer Ring (eternal), which never depletes its uses when teleporting.

Stronghold Slayer Cave

The Stronghold Slayer Cave, also known as the Stronghold Slayer Dungeon, is now open! Located beneath the Tree Gnome Stronghold, this dungeon offers a dedicated space for Slayer tasks, featuring monsters commonly assigned to players.


Getting there:
The entrance to the cave is near Steve, located just south-west of the Spirit Tree in the Gnome Stronghold.

What you’ll find inside:

  • Slayer monsters: Bloodhare, Gaia, Ankou, Hellhounds, and Fire Giants.
  • Agility shortcut: A convenient shortcut that allows faster access to the middle of the cave for efficient task completion.
  • Task-only: You can only attack the monsters that you are assigned, Steve keeps track.

Special Monsters

A variety of special monsters have been introduced to enhance the Slayer experience, each offering unique challenges and rewards.

Current special monsters include:

  • Ents
  • Bloodhare (with a Superior version)
    • Mechanics: Known for high accuracy and consistent melee damage. Players should prioritize protecting themselves from their attacks with mage gear.
  • Gaia (with a Superior version)
    • Mechanics: Requires a protective approach, such as equipping nose peg (can be bought from slayer equipment store) to avoid being overwhelmed by their abilities and stats drain.
  • Ankous
  • Ice Claw Bear
  • Snowmans

Currently, Bloodhare and Gaia are the only monsters with Superior versions, but more Superior variants will be introduced as additional special monsters are added in future phases.

Phase 3 - (A) - January 24th 2025.

- Slayer Tower
- The Harmless Slayer Cave
- Slayer Helmet
- Some Special Monsters / Super Variants
- Co-Op System
- Special Drops

-Dragonfire Staff Team.